Vendor Forms

To all vendors interested in participating in the Rancho Santa Fe Certified Farmers Market.  

Rancho Santa Fe Certified Farmers Market
Del Rayo Village Shopping Center
16079 San Dieguito Rd.
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091

Thank you for your interest in participating as a Certified Farmer/Producer or Vendor in the Rancho Santa Fe Certified Farmers Market.

We will meet every Sunday from 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM.

The site is in the best location in town, it has the greatest visibility and traffic in Rancho Santa Fe. We welcome a market that brings the community together with healthy offerings, fresh and unique products and entertainment weekly.

Please review the Rules and Regulations and submit the Vendor Application Form with booth prices. We ask you to fill these in completely, and return them as quickly as possible. You must be pre-approved prior to attending the market and we must have a completed application and any required permits, licenses, etc., before you will be assigned a spot. All spots will be assigned prior to the first day of the market.

We are doing extensive outreach and a strong marketing campaign to the local communities, to ensure our success in becoming one of the finest farmers markets in San Diego. With limited spaces still available, we encourage you to respond quickly.

Once your application has been submitted and reviewed we will assign spaces if available and you will be contacted to confirm your spot. After reviewing the Application Form and the Rules and Regulations if you need further information, please send your questions to [email protected]

Thank you, we look forward to welcoming you and growing a successful market together.


Diane Haworth and Michael Varbaek, Owners.

Please download these two forms. Read them carefully, fill them out completely and then sign and return them to us.  They can be returned via Email, U.S. Mail or Facsimile.  Please allow ample time for delivery and processing.

Email:  [email protected]
Mail to:  Diane Haworth; PO Box 843 Alpine, CA 91903-843
Facsimile: 619-722-7211

Downloadable Form:  VENDOR APPLICATION
Downloadable Form:  RULES & REGULATIONS  Please return the signature page only.

Alpine Farmers Market Vendor Insurance


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